The Seven, also referred to as Gods or The Masters, were a group of god-like creatures who roamed the Green World centuries ago. They each had special gifts that led humans to mistakenly name them Gods. Their powers led to the creation of seven Kinjes that stored their souls and powers.
The creatures were imprisoned in sarcophaguses over a thousand years ago, but gradually awakened by the return of their kinjes. They sought to destroy every world they visited, consuming all the life force around them as a way to live forever.
Early Days[]
The Seven is a term used to describe seven distinct individuals who traveled together and operate under a single collective. They are intrinsically tied to one another as they cannot act directly against one another or go against the group's collective choice. They are presumably the ancestors of the Kahvi race, given their exact physicality markers to their companion species. They may also share a common ancestor with humans, who share a similar intellectual and societal capacity as The Seven. The Seven were not just of the same species, but of the same family and referred to one another as siblings. They were named Tera, Golu, Vorta, Janya, Kultor, Aster, and Levare. Together, they used their individual powers to rule over the Kahvi as they traveled from one world to the next. They would arrive in a world full of life and leave it as a Plane of Ashes, their presence depleting the worlds entirely. This was most likely because of Janya's power to consume the life essence of any living thing. She would then transfer the essence she consumed to her companions, healing them of wounds, fatigue, and reversing any aging affects. Her power made the seven seemingly immortal.
After depleting the sources of a world, Aster used his power of locating worlds to find one suitable for the Seven and Kahvi to occupy. He arrived in a place called the Green World, where he deemed the Human residences as weak and mortal. He viewed this as being perfect for their settlement; easy to consume to continue their immortal lives. He returned to deliver the great news, and the Seven prepared the Kahvi for the transition. The Kahvi had no free-will as they shared a collective consciousness with Vorta, and therefore the Seven, and were slaves to who they called "The Masters". This was made possible by the used of gold-kinjes called Naviaspore. To prepare the population for the new world, the Seven removed the Naviaspore so it could be stored in Vorta's arm once again. The Kahvi were placed in a slumber to be awakened when they arrived in their new world.
Aster's Betrayal[]
When the Seven arrived in the Green World, they took time to settle and understand the new world before they awakened the Kahvi. Aster grew to care for the intelligent beings that inhabited the realm. They became his friends, and when he saw what his kind were doing to the world and the people that belonged there, he couldn't watch his brothers and sisters erase them as if they were nothing. Vorta and the others viewed this as a betrayal and named him "The Betrayer". Aster cared for one particular woman named Tallya, and fell in love with her. He fathered their child, a black blooded being that was half-human and half-Aster. His siblings plotted to kill the objects of his affections - Tallya and their child. Golu manipulated Tallya into raising a knife above her child, and would have orchestrated the murder if Aster had not returned in time to stop him. Aster attacked Golu and ensured the safety of the child and Tallya. Aster decided to separate his siblings from their Kinjes - the keys to their souls, their being, and sources of strength, and put them to sleep. Because he could not work against the collective decisions of the group when in close proximity to them, he relied on the help of his human friends. He gave them each a weapon from another world that was capable of putting his siblings to sleep, though each blade could only be used once.
The humans succeeded in their mission, with each sibling falling at some point. Vorta and Tera were buried in caves near the coast, Janya, Kultor, and Levare in a cave underneath what would become The Capital, while Golu was hidden in the woods near a hot spring. Aster collected the separated kinjes and brought them to Vor-Anden where he sealed them away in a podium. The kinjes were never meant to leave the shrine. He also never intended for his siblings or himself to wake again. He stayed alive long enough to ensure the settlement of the Blackbloods, before he chose to pass his Asterkinj onto a Guardian who was tasked with protecting the power and keeping it safe. The Guardian, a woman in the Blackblood community, was also given the weapons used to separate his siblings powers into kinj form should they ever be awakened. These Guardians passed the kinj and weapons to their daughters with each generation. Aster eventually entombed himself in an ancient burial sight beneath Vor-Anden.
Passing of Time[]
The myths and lore surrounding the Seven shifted and grew as time passed, with some remembering them as powerful creatures with immortality, worshipping at their symbols or practices as though they were Gods. Others viewed them as warriors of the Blackblood people who periled in battle. The histories of these seven creatures, their Kahvi, and the worlds they inhabited, are detailed in an ancient chamber beneath Gallwood Outpost. The chamber was forgotten over time, leaving the verbal history of the Seven in the hands of humans and Blackbloods. Over a thousand years came and went, with the legends of the Seven morphing into Gods that were idolized and worshiped by both Blackbloods and humans. The humans saw them as Gods that would bless them or ravish their enemies, while the Blackbloods prayed to them as powerful deities they would be reunited with once they died. The individual legacies of the Seven seemed to vanish, as they became an idea, a religious symbol, or misremembered as valiant warriors. Pieces of the true histories were scattered within the Blackblood and Dragman cultures.
The Gods Awaken[]
Vorta and Tera were suddenly awakened from their slumbers by the return of their individual kinjes. Vorta reached out to Tera as she could sense that he, too, had awakened. She assured him they would rise again alongside their other companions. As she rested in her tomb, she connected with the Kinj-bearers around the world when they used their power. Vorta drew the woman named Two to her location, as she needed the woman to use the large amounts of life force she had absorbed to heal her weakened body. Once freed from her sarcophagus and healed, Vorta brought Two and Tera together so the woman could use her kinj again to heal Tera. Once Tera was healed, he used his Terakinj to kill Two and send the kinj back to its original owner of Janya, which triggered her revival. These events were witnessed by the Blackbloods Talon and Zed.
Fall of The Seven[]
Now directing their anger at Aster and Gallwood Outpost, the Six made their way to the lowly Gallwood Outpost, which had been evacuated prior to their arrival. They forced Aster to kneel before them and lead them to the Skevikor room where they took part in the ritual to unlock the Kahvi race. Unbeknownst to them, Aster had aligned himself with the Blackblood warrior Talon and her friends. She emerged from the room and stabbed Aster with the Ahl-Kora Blade. This stopped the ritual before Vorta could release the Naviaspore that would have enslaved the Khavi once more. What ensued was a complex battle between the Six, Talon, Garret Spears, and Zed. The trio sent Janya through a portal to The Void, where she froze to death in a matter of seconds. Next, they defeated Levare, though their success was short-lived. Golu used his kinj to manipulate the Kahvi Marvyn, then both Garret and Zed. Talon was forced to retreat and barely escaped thanks to the help of her friend Luna, who shot arrows at those who tried to keep Talon from escaping. Meanwhile, the awakened Kahvi were confused and overcome with the desire to be reunited with their Masters - even if it meant killing Wren, Janzo, and Munt.
- Vorta: The supposed leader of the group and the bearer of the white kinj, she guided the group in the right direction and kept them focused on their grander initiatives. She was the first to awaken from her centuries-long slumber and used her powers to communicate with the kinj bearers, orchestrating elaborate plans to bring them all together and awaken her other siblings. She also stores the Naviaspore in her arm, which made her the master of the infected Kahvi through their united minds. Her powers brought the group together and allowed her to communicate with them individually or as a group. This furthered their species natural inclination to work as one collective.
- Tera: The host of the black kinj, only his touch can reunite a kinj with its originator and awaken the host. He is arguably the most volatile of the group. He was the second of the Seven to awaken, following only Vorta.
- Janya: The host of the green kinj and the healer of the group. She is the third member to be awaken. Her power fuels The Seven's ability to live seemingly immortal lives. She must consume the life essence of living things around her and transfer that essence into her siblings to continue their destructive lifestyle. Without her, The Seven are still incredibly difficult to kill due to their natural regenerative properties, though they are much slower to heal. Her power also fuels the Skevikor to awaken the Kahvi. It is only with her power that her siblings can leave their sarcophagi.
- Golu - The host of the purple kinj. Thanks to the powers of his kinj, he can be described as the most manipulative of the group.
- Aster: He hosts of the blue kinj and frequently described as the betrayer of the group. He is the reason for everyone's entombment. Vorta alluded to Aster being the reason why Blackbloods exist, telling Talon that she is one of the children of Aster. While originally the scout for the group when traveling for new world to consume for their immortality Tallya, a human he would later fall in love with, was able to convince him to enjoy life and the beauty of death. This is what caused him to abandon the group's goal and start a new life.
- Levare: The host of the orange kinj and is the most well-traveled thanks to her kinj. She also acts as the scout of the group, going on solo missions or being the first to examine the places The Seven will destroy.
- Kultor: The host of the red kinj, who has been described as the cruelest of the group. With his power he is the main reason why all the world destroyed by the group are reduced to ashes.
These creatures are similar to Blackbloods in both their appearance and physiology, due to being the ancestors of the species. However, The Seven's abilities and features are more dramatic than those of a Blackblood. They have larger hooked ears, which are tipped black. They have pale face and horns protruding their skin. They bleed black blood when cut or wounded. Their wounds heal remarkably fast making them incredibly difficult to kill. Luna shot an arrow through Tera's chest but he merely pulled it out. While the wound slowed him down long enough for Luna and her friends to escape, he was not crippled by the wound as humans or even Blackbloods would have been.
The Seven are also fundamentally different from other creatures as they cannot act against the interest of their group, as a means of self-preservation for their rare species. They are inexplicably bound to one another. When the majority of the group wanted Aster to kneel before them, he was forced to his knees and could not act against the interest of the others. This mentality is heightened when in close proximity with one another, as Aster was capable of making his own choices and decisions when away from them. When he's near them, it is only his physical actions that are forced to conform for the collective, not his mental state or beliefs. This phenomenon occurs with the other members as well, but is only seen in Aster due to his desire to act against the group by freeing the Kahvi and defeating The Seven.
Powers and Abilities[]
Each creature has their own unique ability due to the powers of their kinjes. However, The Seven are affected by the Janyakinj, as they obtain a version of immortality, unaging, and immunity to illnesses from her power, The follow powers are traits that the species show together without the influence of any kinj.
- Telepathic Communication: They are all telepathically connected to Vorta. They can see, hear, and feel her from great distances.
- Regeneration: Each member has the power of enhanced regeneration. Even before Janya could heal them, they were shown to recover from multiple arrow shots. However, they can not regenerate lost limbs or restore their energy levels without Janya's powers.
- Naviaspore: According to Wren, Navia is the voice of the soul, word of command, to be one with masters. 313 was connected to a Naviaspore via a yellow kinj. He desired to be part of it and mistook a long cord-like substance for the source of the Naviaspore. The cord-like substance presented with a jagged end that connected to the back of his neck, and was disrupted when he awakened. The Naviaspore gave him the ability to connect with his fellow creatures, which kept him from ever being alone. The Naviaspore is the proper name for the yellow kinjes that create a Hive mind.
- Puncture Wounds: Despite their claims to be gods, they are vulnerable to physical attacks such as punctures. They bleed black blood which means they have a pulse and are living creatures. However, their ability to heal faster than any known creature prohibits these injuries from being fatal. The injuries merely weaken them or slow them in their pursuit of an enemy.
- Extreme Cold: Aster located The Void during his search for a place to send his siblings so they could die. The Void's sub thermal temperatures ensured that nothing living could survive within it. The Seven died within seconds of their banishment, turning into frozen statues. Their Kinjes died along with them.
- Main article: Kinj
A Kinj is the equivalent to a soul or a life essence, and originated from the Seven. They had immense power that deemed them Gods in the Blackblood culture. A portion of their power was stored in the kinj. These kinjes are semi-living beings that require a host to both survive and exhibit powers. There were seven kinjes in existence, each of a different color and power-set, to represent a member of The Seven. Once removed from The Seven, the kinjes granted new hosts with abilities based on their originators unique powers. The Seven were rendered unconscious after the separation of their soul, and awakened when they were returned. The Kinjes died with the destruction of the Seven.
Notable Locations[]
Plane of Ashes[]
- Main article: Plane of Ashes
The Plane of Ashes is a secondary plane of existence that is accessible only by using the Asterkinj. The plane itself was once beautiful and inhabited by the ancient species of Kahvi. Their Masters depleted the planes resources and searched for another, and the desolate leftovers of the world earned in the name "plane of ashes" by those who followed.
- Main article: Vor-Anden
Vor-Anden is an ancient yet forgotten Blackblood shrine on the edge of the realm. It was built to honor the Seven Warriors of Old. A necklace called The Key is used to reveal the constellations and sketches carved on the wall. Upon locating Belator, the Blackblood hero warrior, the key fits into a hole in the wall. When the key is turned, the shrine shakes and reveals a podium with seven compartments around the circle. It used to hold seven Kinjes, however over time, the Warriors of Old came and took the Kinjes. The only kinj left in the compartment when the Blackblood warriors Zed and Talon unlocked it, was the Golukinj, which gave Zed the ability to manipulate the mind of any living creature. It was also the burial site of Aster and held the list of names of every Blackblood who guarded the Asterkinj.
Yindrian Labyrinth[]
- Main article: Gallwood Outpost
- Main article: Yindrian Labyrinth
Gallwood was originally a Blackblood citadel that housed Blackbloods and brought them together from all over the realm. The civilization of Blackbloods cohabited in peace with the Yindrian's, who were masters of puzzles. They worked together to create a laybrinth to seal away the Vortakinj. During the Blackblood-human war, the citadel was covered by what would become a lowly Outpost. As the years past, the legend of the citadel faded away until it was no longer remembered. It was discovered once more by the scholar Janzo and his Blackblood companion Wren. Beyond the labyrinth, in a secret passageway meant to be found only by a high priestess, are hexagonal-shaped doorways. The doorways open to reveal a cocooned creature, whose ancient civilization had the same physical markings of the Seven.
The Capital[]
- Main article: The Capital
The Void[]
- Main article: The Void
The Void is a secondary plane of existence that is accessible only by using the Asterkinj. It is a frozen wasteland, which Aster chose specifically to send his siblings to their death, as not even their species could survive for more than a few seconds. The entire group was sent to the plane, six by The Coalition, and Aster ceremoniously by his friends. The Asterkinj is the only kinj that remained behind in the Green World.
- Main article: Skevikor
The Skevikor chamber is located beneath Gallwood Outpost and hidden within the Yindrian Labyrinth. It served as the main hosting location of the Kahvi population for thousands of years. Skevikor itself became known in the Blackblood lore as "the end of the world", a phrase that forewarned of the great power The Seven would have at their disposal if Skevikor was activated. The phrase, however, was not an instantaneous event, but a potential outcome of The Seven's plan to consume worlds in an attempt to retain immortality. By activating the altar, The Seven could awaken the Kahvi population and enslave them to do their bidding. The purpose of Skevikor itself was to distribute Naviaspore to the slumbering creatures that could serve as an army to The Seven.
Notes and Trivia[]
- Janzo theorizes that these beings came from the Plane of Ashes as other creatures there have black blood.
- He and Wren later found pictograms under the Yindrian Labyrinth that represent Talon's portal and the Plane of Ashes. The pictograms are near the symbol of the gods and the civilization hibernating beneath the platform. According to Marvyn, the pictograms detail the story of how The Seven would travel world full of life and render them lifeless in order to continue living forever.
- According to Marvyn, the Masters do not want to live in peace among humans or others.
- According to Janya and Kultor, Aster betrayed his siblings and spawned his own descendants, the Blackbloods.
- This would explain why the Lu-Qiri follow the commands of the Seven above the Blackbloods, as they are not their true masters, but rather are merely descendants of one of their masters.